Some random thoughts inspired by my busy weekend. (Is there any other kind?)
*Never again do I venture into a grocery store on Superbowl Sunday. I don't care if it's milk, tampons or dog food that I'm out of. NEV-ER.
*Lone gunman--or conspiracy? No, I'm not talking about JFK, I'm talking about laundry! How is it that skipping one day--just one day!!!-- of doing laundry means the next day, there are at least three loads waiting. There are only four people in this house and at least one of them doesn't change his undies every day (my ten YO--he thinks I can't tell!) so where does it all come from??? I'm betting on conspiracy.
*McCaffrey's Law (since I'm no relation to Murphy): It is a scientific fact that while you are cleaning one room, your hubby and/or kids are trashing the others. You think I'd stop bothering after a while!
*Lastly... why is it that the more determined you are to have a quiet weekend, the less likely it is to happen? (or in other words--can I get a blizzard, please???)
I'll leave you with a quote from a woman who undoubtedly understood.... the late, great Erma Bombeck.
Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~ Erma Bombeck
So how was your weekend? Did you get time to relax or spend it watching the clock, waiting for Monday to get here so you could finally have your house back?
LOL- I remember those days. And not fondly! ROFL.
I had a lazy weekend, managed some good writing time and we hosted two other couples for Super Bowl.
But I had to wait until 10 on Sunday to vacuum before my guests came because the nephew was still in bed. Luckily he is low maintenance. The only thing I do for him is cook dinner. He makes his own coffee, breakfast, and lunch and does his laundry. So he's actually better than having my own kids here.
Hang in there and have a great week!
Busy weekend for me -- we were never still! It's nice to be able to sit down today and visit all my friends' blogs :).
OMG!! YOu're a riot, Nic!!
That was the best laugh I've had all day!
I hope Mother Nature doesn't do you in this weekend. I already know I'll be busy. *sigh* Ain't that the pits-- knowing you're weekend is already planned?
Can't wait to see what you post next week!
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