This year I'm really looking forward to October. The kids are settled into the school year--both boys transitioned to new schools this year. It's hard to believe I have a junior high schooler and a middle schooler! And now after all the new student orientations and parent nights, we're settled into a routine.
Best of all, my Civil War era time travel, This Moment in Time, comes out at the end of October--on Halloween to be exact. I'm really excited.
I'm also hard at work on two other Civil War era stories with a holiday story bubbling away in the back of my brain and, yes, fans of Wild Texas Wind, Kip Cooper's story --Texas Wild Card--is coming, too.
We're heading into my favorite time of year (Thanksgiving) and I'm looking forward to spending it with my friends and family...including the ones who exist only in my mind!
I hope you'll stop back soon for more information on This Moment in Time, giveaways, and contests.