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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blog Overhaul

The sun has been rising earlier and staying around longer and the birds in the many trees around my house have been singing their little hearts out each morning.  So I've been thinking-- spring!! Even though the calendar says we still have a full month to go until it's official, I have a raging case of spring fever!

Spurred on by the songs of friends such as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and my favorite little black capped chickadees, I've been cleaning out closets and sorting through drawers. I also decided it was time to overhaul my long neglected blog.  I'm thrilled with the new version of Blogger that allowed me to add pages.  Some of them are still under construction but I hope you'll poke around and stay for a nice long visit.

As for that writing thing..... I'm getting there.  I'm back in the saddle and working at it every day.  Bear with me!

The Struggle is Real Week 8: When Life Hits Back

  It’s been nearly two weeks since my last post. Did anyone notice I was missing?   But I have good news/bad news.   The good news. I wr...