Pussycat, pussycat,
where have you been?
That is a
question I have been hearing a lot lately. Okay, so no one is calling me “pussycat”
but you know what I mean. LOL. And while I’d love to say I’ve been to London
to visit the queen, I am pretty sure she is not holding audience with random crazy
women from across the pond.
(And yes, these are my spoiled kitties)
So where have
I been?
The usual. Lifus interruptus, the holidays, caregiving
for elderly FIL, trying to ensure MIL has the care she needs in her nursing home,
and all the other stuff that comes up on a weekly basis.
Am I writing? Haha know any other good jokes?
Well the
good news is that with the new year I have chosen to take some steps to relieve
some of the stress, pressure and anxiety that has plagued me for a few years
now. Changed my work schedule around,
made taking a little time to breathe each day (well…. Okay, most days. All
right, all right. Some days!) a priority. Hopefully as things ease, my muse and I will
get back on speaking terms again.
Starting Monday I will continue where I left off on my Monday Morning Musing series with a look back at past and recent releases, as well as some upcoming stories. And since so many have asked, I will do my best to pick up my Wednesday on Writing series.
Stay tuned...