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Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fun: Snow Day Entertainment

Yep, it's a snow day. We haven't had one since 2008, and with a tough school district like ours, my kids know they're lucky they got this one. (However, can't say I appreciated the phone call with the pre-recorded message at 5:30 this morning letting me know schools would be closed. Really? I need to know at that hour?)

Anyway, I'm having fun just hanging with my guys today and after watching our big doofus of a dog romp in the snow, we started browsing You Tube for fun pet videos. Somehow the subject of pets on commercials came up and I introduced these poor deprived children to one of my childhood "heroes," Morris the Cat. We enjoyed some old commercials then stumbled across this one. Apparently Mr. .... er Cat, is still alive and well (and looking great for his age).

This video had us cracking up. If you're a kitty person, you'll love this.



Paty Jager said...

Have fun today!

Cari Quinn said...

Oh, I love Morris! Enjoy your snow day. :)

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