It’s been nearly two weeks since my last post. Did anyone
notice I was missing?
But I have good news/bad news. The good news. I wrote. Finally.
The scene that had been in my head for well over a week. It poured onto the page and it felt really good to get it out there.
The bad news? Well pretty much everything since than has
been downhill. First I was under the weather—not a bad bug, but enough to make
me tired and run down and cranky. And enough to know I needed to rest when and where
I could. I don’t know about you, but
since hitting my –ahem—"over 50s”, I have found if I don’t rest when I
am sick it takes a lot longer to get well.
Gone are the glory days of my 20s and 30s where I could just down some
Ibuprofen, chug some coffee and keep up the same pace, knowing I’d feel better
in a day or two. That ended some time in
my 40s.
Then at the beginning of this week, just days after I was
starting to feel better, FIL had a heart attack. If you are regular readers, you probably know
I am one of his caregivers. But suddenly
some things that were only in the “idea” stages had to happen –and fast. We’d talked about setting up a downstairs bedroom
for him, but it was still in the "just talking" stages. And then suddenly it had to happen now. We weren’t sure when they would send him home,
but since hospital stays these days are pretty brief, we assumed it needed to be ASAP. With the help of
good friends and everyone pitching in, it got done in an afternoon. We are still in the process of moving his
clothes and toiletries etc downstairs and figuring out where everything will go,
but the hard part is done at least.
So not a lot of time to write since that one lovely
afternoon of writing bliss.
But like I always say, I have not given up yet.