Welcome, Rebecca, and thanks for sharing your Friday with me! Good news, if we have ten or more commenters today, Rebecca will be drawing names for a giveaway of one of her books! Please let it be me!! Oh, wait, I don't count, do I? :o(
Rebecca, tell us a bit about yourself and why you write the genre you do.
Hi Everyone. Hope you are having a great day. I’m Rebecca J. Vickery; a wife, mother, grandmother, and an author who loves to write happy ever after romances with a twist of the paranormal, adventure, or suspense along the way. I write HEA romances because I truly believe in them, but I am too adventuresome to settle for just a romance. There has to be some excitement, an element of danger, or an unexpected twist because that is life. You can see some photos and learn more about me at my website:
How long have you been writing?
My serious fictional writing began in 1998 when my sister kept pushing and nudging for me to put my bits of stories and notes onto my computer. Once I finished, with some editing and polish, I actually had a romance novel.
Where do you get your ideas?
I get ideas from the world around me, people I meet, television news, and even my dreams. My debut novel, Surviving With Love, was born from two separate snippets heard on the news. My next book, Looking Through The Mist, was hastily written down after a very realistic dream, and the third one, Following Destiny (coming in October) came from a photo I saw and my vivid imagination. One of my current WIPs came from a few second radio spot I heard in the car on the way to Myrtle Beach. So anything and everything inspires me.
Describe your typical writing day.
My typical writing day actually begins after everyone else is asleep. When the house is quiet and it is just my MUSE and I, the words seem to flow and I can feel the characters telling me their stories. I can’t type fast enough to keep up most times. Soon after dawn, my 3 year-old granddaughter Taylor, who stays with us, hits the floor running. Forget writing after that. My MUSE runs and hides. My husband and my mother watch her for several hours in the morning so I can sleep. Once I’m up I check emails, do promos, visit my groups, and take care of any business with my publisher. I usually do this and edit between helping to entertain Taylor and required household chores. Late evening is supper, bath-time, and bed and then I can finally return to my writing. (ummm....anyone else wondering when she sleeps??? Gosh I envy people who can get by on little to no sleep...)
What was your “Aha!” moment—when you knew you had to be a writer?
I’ve always wanted to write and had a poem published in a children’s magazine when I was in elementary school. I have always written in one fashion or another. Reading Celia Garth while a pre-teen got me hooked on romances for life. But my AHA moment for romance writing was probably when I finally gave in to my sister and put all my notes on the computer. When I saw what resulted, I knew I wanted to be published. I had to share my stories with others and pay back some of the great feelings I’ve enjoyed over the years from my reading.
If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?
SAD. Sincerely, if I couldn’t share my stories and write, I would be one of the unhappiest people on earth. But I would still be a researcher and a technical writer, if not a fictional author.
Tell me your best cure for writer’s block?
My very favorite cure for writer’s block is a long walk on the beach. The sound of the waves and the ocean air always un-block me. But, failing that, doing something physical like chasing grandchildren or my toy poodle usually helps. Also editing the last few chapters will sometimes help me get my characters going through my mind again and wake my MUSE.
Tell us a little bit about your current release.
My current release is Looking Through The Mist and is available from Class Act Books at http://classactbooks.com/bkpgLookingMist.html It is a full length paranormal romance novel. Please visit the site to read the first chapter free.
Rebecca J. Vickery
Psychic Jessica Wilder was a consultant for the FBI until she suffered burnout. The visions leave her alone for several months and she starts to make a peaceful life for herself. Then suddenly, they come back with a vengeance visions of children being kidnapped. How could she not try to save the children?
Detective Jonathon Lansing doesn't believe in psychics, but the young woman in front of him is very convincing. Can she truly help him track down a kidnapper? Or is she involved in the crime?
Another child is taken right from under their noses. As they follow her turbulent visions through several states and into Canada, Jessie and Johnny begin to discover they want more than a working relationship. But will it distract them from finding the children in time?
ISBN 978-1-935048-18-3 1-935048-18-X
Word Count: 84,177
Paranormal Romance
Anything else in the works you can share with us? I have my third novel, Following Destiny, being released by Class Act Books in October. I really enjoyed working on it. A down-on-her-luck young woman inherits a house in Texas and all her grandmother’s possessions including a very special antique ring. There is a handsome sheriff, an extremely large dog, and a serial killer tossed into the mix to make her life interesting. I’m also working on a contemporary western titled Seeking Shelter with a bit of an inspirational twist to it along with a rogue stallion and some bad guys. I hope to have it ready for a New Year’s release. Then another paranormal romance, Healing Rain, about a young woman who has the gift of healing is in the works for release in March of 2010. These will also be with Class Act Books.
I have a video showcasing my 2009 releases for anyone interested at:
And I blog at: http://www.rebeccajvickery.blogspot.com/
Please drop by and visit anytime. I love company and Taylor and I enjoy reading the comments.
Thanks so much for having me here today, Nicole. It’s been fun.
Thanks for coming, Rebecca and sharing your love of writing with us!
I don't think you do sleep! But I do envy you being able to write at night. That's my best time and I have really fantastic ideas once the sun sets. Alas, my day job really is daytime and with other day-life commitments, it's hard.
Your newest book sounds great, and hey, Canada isn't a setting you often see in romance.
Well, Happy Birthday to me! I'm all about getting Canada into romance novels (I think its a romantic place, LOL) and all your stories sound terrific. Thanks for the link on where to get it!
But reading about someone who doesn't sleep made me tired--and envious!
I loved your response to "If you weren't a writer, what else would you be?" "Sad". What a wonderfully honest response.
Hi Nic and Rebecca!!
Awesome, fantastic interview! But then I'm totally smitten with you both so...I guessed I'm kinda biased! LOL
I wish I could channel some of Taylor's energy. This mama has to have sleep or I morph into the Mommy Monster! But I've found that massive amounts of caffeine helps keep the beast controlled. LOL Oh to be a kid again!
Hi Nicole and Rebecca! Nice interview. Poor Rebecca up all night...but what a luxury to have no distractions during those times. Except for maybe those pesky characters! Your books are wonderful! I will be looking forward to every new release! :D
Due to a technical problem, Laura couldn't get her comment to post. She emailed it to me and I am merely passing it on. Don't want anyone to be left out. LOL
Becca, you said...
"My typical writing day actually begins after everyone else is asleep. When the house is quiet and it is just my MUSE and I..."
LOL That's my world too!! Here I am reading your interview at 6:15 am. LOL And it is an awesome interview, Nicole! Becca's writing is outstanding and she always seems to end up with the best cover designs... *private snicker*
Thanks, ladies, for an enjoyable read...before bed. 'Night, all.
Laura Shinn
====> Congrat's on the great interview...and good-night. *yaaaaaaaaawn* LOL
Hi Isobel, I do sleep but don't require near as much as I used to. I've always been a night person to my mom's everlasting aggravation when I was younger. It was really hard when I worked a day job too. Thankfully I only work from home now and can adjust my schedule accordingly.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Hi Jennifer, I fell in love with Canada while doing my research. Hubby and I definitely intend to visit one day, hopefully during the May flower festival that I mention in LTTM. We've also heard the fishing is wonderful and we both enjoy wetting a hook.
Good luck with getting Canadian romance noticed.
Hi EA,
I can't imagine not being able to write anymore. I can't believe I was able to push it aside for all those years while I had to work and raise a family.
Good luck with your writing.
Hi Sarah,
Taylor has plenty of energy to spare. Wish I could figure out how to bottle it and sell it. LOL
Why do you think I'm so addicted to Dr. Pepper??? I need to have some kind of edge. LOL
HI Martha,
Thanks so much for reading my work. It means so much to me to know you enjoy it and look forward to the next book.
Those characters can get awfully wild and woolly during the night. Even if I wanted to lay down to sleep, they would keep poking and prodding until I went back to the keyboard to take dictation. LOL
So happy to meet you! Your stories sound intriguing. Sounds like you have your hands full too. Not sure how you get it all done. ;-) Congratulations on your success!
Wow, I could never do a schedule like that- I'm with Nic- I need my sleep or I can't function.
Your book sounds intriguing.
Sounds like a great story, Rebecca! And I do have to wonder when you sleep. I purposely don't work in the evening, so I'll be able to wind down and sleep the night through.
I love paranormal romances! Best of luck with yours!
Hi JeanMarie,
Thanks so much for dropping by. Some days I'm not quite sure how everything gets done. LOL
But I've learned to let a little dust gather on the doo-dads and maybe not make the bed perfectly every day. Spending time with my granddaughter Taylor, Mom, and Hubby is so much more important.
Plus writing--have to make time for that.
Hi Paty,
I've found that I find the strength somewhere to do what has to be done. (And most days not one stitch more) LOL
Writing is my escape valve where I can let off steam. Nothing like a rousing argument or love scene between my characters to take care of anger or frustration.
Thanks for reading the interview.
Hi Susan,
I do envy folks, like my Hubby, who can sleep all night every night. If I do happen to go to sleep at bedtime, I'm up in a couple of hours writing again. My best sleep time comes when we stay at the beach. The sound of the ocean and the salt air help me rest much more than I can at home. Trying to convince Hubby to relocate, but that's a lost cause. Thanks for stopping by,
Like lots of commenters before me, I can't write at night either, so I also envy you! Great to learn more about you and your work, Rebecca -- thanks for sharing!
Thanks for dropping by Helen. Nice to meet you.
Hi Rebecca! Reading your interview at 5 am in the morning, makes me full awake :) Paranormal is one of favorite genres! Hoping i can read a complete story of this book, coz i could hardly gulping when i read the first chapter ; )
Hi Mariska,
Thanks so much for reading the interview and the first chapter. I love paranormal romance, particularly when it includes mystery or suspense. Hope you have a great day after such an early start.
Sounds like a fab story. I'll have to check it out. Good luck and many happy sales.
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