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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday on Writing: Sweet Release

What is it they say about the best of intentions? Well, I had 'em. Now they're gone, LOL. I awoke Monday morning with a great Maxine cartoon to share, ready to do some Monday Musin'.... only to discover my computer was NOT ready for me. It's dead. Crashed. Kaput. Whatever you want to call it.

Fortunately most everything was backed up (I have learned this lesson once before, and was also in the process of transferring some files to a new lap top --which I had barely taken out of the box!) So all is not lost, I'm just annoyed and what was supposed to be a gentle, gradual transition between computers was more like a trial by fire. Old Faithful will be repaired, though, I'm still a desk top gal at heart.

But the good news in my inbox (now that I have found and can access it again, LOL) is the release date for Wild Texas Wind. June 18!!!! Yay!!!!

Now I'm off to think up a contest idea for release week and will post some excerpts once we get closer to The Big Day.

For now, let's just stare at the cover some more.... SIGH.

How about you? How's your week been going so far? Any news --good, bad or otherwise--in your inbox?


Unknown said...

I love your new cover.

I'm on vacation from the day job this week. My kids are keeping me very busy - fair Sunday, line dancing Monday, movie Tuesday, beach today. I fly home this Friday so I can attend my aunt's memorial service and my cousin's piano recital. Writing - only a bit. And I'd hoped to do a lot of writing this week. But the family comes first.

Isabel Roman said...

Wow, Nic, that cover is HOT!

This week? Finishing up the last 8,000 (yes EIGHT!!) words on my long suffering WIP. And a new short for an anthology.

Not that I'm working on this, but the pollen is doing a job on me! Makes writing difficult.

Sarah Simas said...

Wowza! What a kickin' cover! Too bad about your PC. On Saturday night we had a huge power surge and I was on the PC. Luckily, everything was OK. Still, I think I'm going to look into a back up program/company.

Hmm..... June 18th. How about my place on Jun 25th????

Helen Hardt said...

Sorry about your computer woes, but great news about the release date! You know there's always a spot for your heroes at my blog :).

Paty Jager said...

Congrats on the release date. Sorry about the crash. The end of the week is much better than the beginning was, and I'm looking forward to the workshop I'm presenting tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

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