I just looked at my calendar...and I’m exhausted already!! June is a really busy month for me and my author friends.
June 3 – fellow TWRP American Rose author Carol Spradling’s chat at Romance Book Junction. I began having internet issues shortly after getting into the chat room, and sadly, missed most of Carol’s talk.
June 6 – wedding anniversary. The dh and I received an anniversary card in the mail just yesterday from his aunt. It was lovely and said something to the effect of “Love brought you together, love keeps you together.” What a beautiful sentiment. However, I’m more inclined to say something like “Love brought us together. The prohibitive cost of a divorce attorney keeps us together.” *G* Okay, okay. I’m just joking. I love the guy. Just don’t tell him I said so, it’ll go to his head.
June 7 – this is the day we’re actually going out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. It’s also the RBJ chat date for fellow TWRP author and best bud extraordinaire Kat Henry Doran. I’m going to try to be home from dinner by 8 (the IL’s are watching the kids after all. Nuff said there. I’ll probably be eating dinner at 3 pm!) to help moderate her chat.
June 8 – the rescheduled date for my Blog Talk Radio interview with Regan Taylor. 5 pm EST.
June 11 – Fellow TWRP author, devoted CP and sister-of-my-heart Paty Jager’s --AKA Oregon Paty--RBJ chat.
June 12 – end of year picnic for my son’s preschool. This is our last year at this preschool and mom’s having a hard time letting go! I‘ve been sniffling since the first day of school.
June 18 – working at the oldest son’s school for “field day”, a day of outdoor games and activities. It will undoubtedly be 112 degrees that day. And there’s not much shade on the school grounds. Hopefully if I turn pink and pass out, someone will drag me to a shady spot.
June 25 – last day of school. And the end of mom’s days of freedom for another two months.
June 26 – booksigning at Starbucks in
I don’t know about you, but that looks like a full month to me!
Wow, Nic, you do have a busy month!
I remember all those grade school things and summer vacations with all my boys underfoot. Don't think I could handle that now. My youngest graduated from high school last year, so summer just doesn't have the same feeling this year.
Congratulations on your anniversary. My husband and I just celebrated our 26th last month.
Forgot to add ... love the look of your new blog. With my computer being down for so long, I haven't been able to keep up with my blog visits.
yes, I do Susan but hopefully it will help the time go by quickly so we can get to the long, lazy days of summer that much quicker, LOL.
Thanks on the anniversary congratulations--26 years, that's wonderful. This was only #10 for us but still felt kind of speical--our first "double digit" anniversary, LOL.
I'm slowly getting used to the look of the blog. It's helping keep me in western writing mode!
Happy anniversary! How many years? We celebrated 28 years together last January. My youngest is 13 and he's in middle school.
I was thrilled to meet your sister Rhonda at Lori Foster's event and I was very happy to sign one of my books for you. Hopefully soon I'll get to meet you in person, too.
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