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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Have I Been Doing This Too Long?

This will be brief, since I am due to meet the kindergartners for yet another field trip in a few minutes.

But speaking of my kindergartner... yesterday I took him to the pediatrician. Nothing serious, but we all had a nasty head/chest bug a couple of weeks back and he's still been pretty irritable and complaining of a headache. Since my version of this bug--naturally--went into a sinus infection, I wanted to be sure it hadn't done the same with him.

The waiting room was full enough when we got there that I could tell the doctor was running behind. Sure enough, more than half an hour ticked by and still we waited. My son was getting wiggly and restless and I was wishing we'd had time for lunch before this appointment, because my stomach was threatening to make embarrassing sounds. I sat near a window, restlessly flipping through a magazine; my son knelt in the chair beside me, staring out into the parking lot at the people and cars going by.

"Mama?" he said. "What's F-O-R-D spell?"

"Ford," I said. "It's a car manufacturer." (Yes, the next question was "what's man-fax-shurrr?" but we'll skip that part.)

Next it was "Mama? What's D-O-D-G-E spell?"

I answered him in that distracted mom voice we all use.

Then it was "What's B-M-W spell?"

Again, I explained.

Finally he said "What's G-M-C?"

Still only half paying attention I replied "Goal, motivation and conflict."

"Huh? What's that?"

Then I realized what I'd said. Hmm... do you think maybe I've been doing this writing thing just a little too long? LOL.

Off to meet the kindergartners at the local garden center and learn how plants grow ...Hope it's warm and sunny where you are!


Isabel Roman said...

Hehe, that's funny, Nic. Naaah, not too long. Just, um, long enough. :)

Paty Jager said...

LOL- Love it!

Helen Hardt said...


Sarah Simas said...

So funny, Nicole! I find myself longing to read my kids the classics. I have visions of them being the kids in class that say "I know that story!" Yeah, I'm a dork and according to my jock hubby- I'm going to make our kids jr. dorks. *heehee* So, no worries! You're tops in my book! *heehee*

Nicole McCaffrey said...

LOL thanks ladies, for stopping by.

Sarah-- I don't blame you for wanting to share the classics. Kids of writers just kind of have to face that they're going to be dorky--they're the kids of dorks, after all. *G*

Sarah Simas said...

So true! I guess hubby-man is hoping his cool jock status will rub off! LOL

Susan Macatee said...

Funny! Guess that writer jargon will just slip out when you least expect it.

Sarita Leone said...


I'm going to be smiling all day. Thanks!

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