For lack of anything more interesting to post, LOL, here's where you can find me over the next few weeks:
Tonight - 10 PM EST--there are few things I'd allow to keep me up until 11 p.m., but this is one of them. Burn Notice returns tonight! I've been waiting almost six months to see if Michael survived that explosion... Okay, obviously he did or there wouldn't be a show, but I'm still excited! Popcorn, anyone??
January 26 - guest blogging on Helen Hardt's blog, Helen's Heroes.
February 1 - Romancing the library. Spend the afternoon with your favorite romance authors! (Including me!
I've never even seen a commercial/previews for that show. It's obviously cable since we have a funky antennae.
Have fun with Helen and the romance library!
Yes, it's on USA network. You can watch episodes online at usa.com or at Hulu.com if you want. It's a great show--I don't usually get excited over TV shows but this is awesome!
Hey, Nic, make sure someone takes pictures at the library, okay! It's way too far for me to travel, but I want to see something!
Remind us about your guest blog on the 26th and I'll be sure to pop over. Otherwise, I space on things like that. Good luck with the library thing!
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